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Getting Started

Quick Start

Troubleshooting issues and problems is a part of building apps!

I have purchased a subscription plan, still I can’t download the premium assets in the Add-ins.

This rarely happens, but please log out and log in back. If the problem persists, please contact us here.

My Add-ins don't automatically upgrade against new update.

You don't suppose to do anything because the Add-ins will automatically upgrade if there is a new update.

But it is sure that there are some problems in your OS Settings. One of them is a cache problem on your system. There are two ways to handle this:

  1. Please uninstall and re-install the Add-ins on your PowerPoint software.
  2. If the first point still has no effect, then we need further action according to the direction of the Microsoft site.

Clear the Office cache on Windows

This method is recommended for add-in development computers. If your Office on Windows version is 2108 or later, the following steps configure the Office cache to be cleared automatically every time Office is reopened.

  1. From the ribbon of Powerpoint Office host, navigate to File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Trusted Add-in Catalogs.
  2. Select the checkbox Next time Office starts, clear all previously-started web add-ins cache.

To remove all sideloaded add-ins from Excel, Word, and PowerPoint, delete the contents of the following folder.


If the following folder exists, delete its contents too.


Clear the Office cache on Mac

Add-ins are often cached in Office on Mac for performance reasons. Normally, the cache is cleared by reloading the add-in. If more than one add-in exists in the same document, the process of automatically clearing the cache on reload might not be reliable.

You can clear the cache by using the personality menu of any task pane add-in.

  • Choose the personality menu. Then choose Clear Web Cache.

You must run macOS version 10.13.6 or later to see the personality menu.

You can also clear the cache manually by deleting the contents of the folder


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